

PHP_5_4 5.4.39

Comparison Reports

PHPT How to
with PHPT_CMP_PHP_5_4-5.4.38-NTS-X86-VC9_Local-FileSystem_MySQL-5.6_CLI_WinCacheU_v_PHP_5_4-5.4.39-NTS-X8
with PHPT_CMP_PHP_5_4-5.4.38-NTS-X86-VC9_SMB-Basic_MySQL-5.6_CLI_WinCacheU_v_PHP_5_4-5.4.39-NTS-X86-VC9_S
with PHPT_CMP_PHP_5_4-5.4.38-NTS-X86-VC9_SMB-DFS_MySQL-5.6_CLI_WinCacheU_v_PHP_5_4-5.4.39-NTS-X86-VC9_SMB

PhpUnit How to


NTS - Non-Thread Safe build, use for CLI or IIS (PHP on Windows uses 2 types of builds, TS and NTS)

TS - Thread Safe build, use for CLI or Apache mod_php on Windows

VC11 - Build compiled using VC11 (Visual Studio 2012)

VC9 - Build compiled using VC9 (Visual Studio 2008)

GCC - Build compiled using GCC

Common Scenario Sets

Local-FileSystem_MySQL_Apache-ModPHP-ApacheLounge-2.4.4-VC9-OpenSS - Tests run on local file system, using Apache with MySQL

Local-FileSystem_MySQL_CLI - Tests run on local file system on CLI with MySQL

Opcache_Local-FileSystem_MySQL_Apache-ModPHP-ApacheLounge-2 - Tests run on local file system, using Apache with Opcache, MySQL

Opcache_Local-FileSystem_MySQL_CLI - Tests run on local file system on CLI with MySQL

Opcache_Local-FileSystem_MySQL_CLI_WinCacheU - Tests run on local file system on CLI with Opcache, MySQL and WinCache (user & file caches)

SMB-DFS_MySQL_Apache-ModPHP-ApacheLounge-2.4.4-VC9-OpenSS - Tests run on remote DFS file system, using Apache with MySQL

SMB-DFS_MySQL_CLI - Tests run on remote DFS file system on CLI with MySQL

Opcache_SMB-DFS_MySQL_Apache-ModPHP-ApacheLounge-2 - Tests run on remote DFS file system, using Apache with Opcache, MySQL

Opcache_SMB-DFS_MySQL_CLI - Tests run on remote DFS file system on CLI with MySQL

Opcache_SMB-DFS_MySQL_CLI_WinCacheU - Tests run on remote DFS file system on CLI with Opcache, MySQL and WinCache (user & file caches)