Test: /Zend/tests/magic_methods_006.phpt - Version 8.0.0-dev    

There are 4 different diffs reported by users for this test.

Count Diff
6 (38%)
001+ Segmentation fault (core dumped) 001- Warning: The magic method a::__callStatic() must be static in %s on line %d 002+ 003+ Termsig=11
6 (38%)
001- Warning: The magic method __callStatic() must have public visibility and be static in %s on line %d
2 (13%)
001+ Segmentation fault (core dumped)
001- Warning: The magic method __callStatic() must have public visibility and be static in %s on line %d
003+ Termsig=11
2 (13%)
001+ Segmentation fault 001- Warning: The magic method a::__callStatic() must be static in %s on line %d 002+ 003+ Termsig=11