Test: /ext/standard/tests/array/array_rand_basic2.phpt - Version 5.4.27-dev    

There is 1 diff reported by users for this test.

Count Diff
1 (100%)
001- *** Testing array_rand() : with associative array ***
003- -- with all default and optional arguments --
004- array(6) {
005- [0]=>
006- string(%d) "%s"
007- [1]=>
008- string(%d) "%s"
009- [2]=>
010- string(%d) "%s"
011- [3]=>
012- string(%d) "%s"
013- [4]=>
014- string(%d) "%s"
015- [5]=>
016- string(%d) "%s"
017- }
019- -- with default argument --
020- string(%d) "%s"
021- Done