Test: /sapi/fpm/tests/007.phpt - Version 5.6.30    

There are 1604 different diffs reported by users for this test.

Count Diff
21 (1%)
16 (1%)
006+ Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to [::1]:9008 (No route to host) in /tmp/software/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/fcgi.inc on line 255
007+ IPv6 error
005- int(%d)
006- IPv6 ok
008- ::1 %s "GET /ping" 200
3 (0%)
006+ Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to [::1]:9008 (No route to host) in /home/weishang/app/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/fcgi.inc on line 255
007+ IPv6 error
005- int(%d)
006- IPv6 ok
008- ::1 %s "GET /ping" 200
2 (0%)
006+ Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to [::1]:9008 (No route to host) in /program/software/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/fcgi.inc on line 255
007+ IPv6 error
005- int(%d)
006- IPv6 ok
008- ::1 %s "GET /ping" 200
1 (0%)
006+ Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to [::1]:9008 (No route to host) in /usr/local/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/fcgi.inc on line 255
007+ IPv6 error
005- int(%d)
006- IPv6 ok
008- ::1 %s "GET /ping" 200
1 (0%)
006+ Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to [::1]:9008 (No route to host) in /opt/soft/package/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/fcgi.inc on line 255
007+ IPv6 error
005- int(%d)
006- IPv6 ok
008- ::1 %s "GET /ping" 200
1 (0%)
006+ Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to [::1]:9008 (No route to host) in /home/program/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/fcgi.inc on line 255
007+ IPv6 error
005- int(%d)
006- IPv6 ok
008- ::1 %s "GET /ping" 200
1 (0%)
006+ Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to [::1]:9008 (No route to host) in /home/fjx2/download/php/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/fcgi.inc on line 255
007+ IPv6 error
005- int(%d)
006- IPv6 ok
008- ::1 %s "GET /ping" 200
1 (0%)
006+ Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to [::1]:9008 (No route to host) in /exports/softwares/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/fcgi.inc on line 255
007+ IPv6 error
005- int(%d)
006- IPv6 ok
008- ::1 %s "GET /ping" 200
1 (0%)
006+ Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to [::1]:9008 (Network is unreachable) in /home/cy/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/fcgi.inc on line 255
007+ IPv6 error
005- int(%d)
006- IPv6 ok
008- ::1 %s "GET /ping" 200
1 (0%)
006+ Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to [::1]:9008 (Network is unreachable) in /home/centos/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/fcgi.inc on line 255
007+ IPv6 error
005- int(%d)
006- IPv6 ok
008- ::1 %s "GET /ping" 200
1 (0%)
006+ Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to [::1]:9008 (Cannot assign requested address) in /home/work/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/fcgi.inc on line 255
007+ IPv6 error
005- int(%d)
006- IPv6 ok
008- ::1 %s "GET /ping" 200
1 (0%)
006+ Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to [::1]:9008 (Cannot assign requested address) in /home/dongyang/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/fcgi.inc on line 255
007+ IPv6 error
005- int(%d)
006- IPv6 ok
008- ::1 %s "GET /ping" 200
1 (0%)
006+ Warning: fsockopen(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known in /home/uaq/opdir/downloads/mmtrix_poc/src/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/fcgi.inc on line 255
008+ Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to [::1]:9008 (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known) in /home/uaq/opdir/downloads/mmtrix_poc/src/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/fcgi.inc on line 255
009+ IPv6 error
005- int(%d)
006- IPv6 ok
008- ::1 %s "GET /ping" 200
1 (0%)
006+ Warning: fsockopen(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known in /home/admin/download_profile/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/fcgi.inc on line 255
008+ Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to [::1]:9008 (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known) in /home/admin/download_profile/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/fcgi.inc on line 255
009+ IPv6 error
005- int(%d)
006- IPv6 ok
008- ::1 %s "GET /ping" 200
1 (0%)
001+ [31-Oct-2022 14:07:35] ALERT: [pool unconfined] user has not been defined
002+ [31-Oct-2022 14:07:35] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
004+ Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to (Connection refused) in /usr/local/src/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/fcgi.inc on line 255
005+ IPv4 error
007+ Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to [::1]:9008 (Connection refused) in /usr/local/src/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/fcgi.inc on line 255
008+ IPv6 error
001- [%d-%s-%d %d:%d:%d] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid %d
002- [%d-%s-%d %d:%d:%d] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
003- int(%d)
004- IPv4 ok
005- int(%d)
006- IPv6 ok
007- %s "GET /ping" 200
008- ::1 %s "GET /ping" 200
009+ sh: 0 行: kill: (11883) - そのようなプロセスはありません
011+ Warning: file_get_contents(/usr/local/src/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/php-fpm.acc.tmp): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in %s/007.php on line 44
1 (0%)
001+ [31-Oct-2019 14:43:08] ALERT: [pool unconfined] user has not been defined
002+ [31-Oct-2019 14:43:08] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
004+ Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to (Connection refused) in /usr/local/src/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/fcgi.inc on line 255
005+ IPv4 error
007+ Warning: fsockopen(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Address family for hostname not supported in /usr/local/src/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/fcgi.inc on line 255
001- [%d-%s-%d %d:%d:%d] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid %d
002- [%d-%s-%d %d:%d:%d] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
003- int(%d)
004- IPv4 ok
005- int(%d)
006- IPv6 ok
007- %s "GET /ping" 200
008- ::1 %s "GET /ping" 200
009+ Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to [::1]:9008 (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Address family for hostname not supported) in /usr/local/src/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/fcgi.inc on line 255
010+ IPv6 error
012+ Warning: file_get_contents(/usr/local/src/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/php-fpm.acc.tmp): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in %s/007.php on line 44
1 (0%)
001+ [31-Oct-2017 13:10:45] ALERT: [pool unconfined] user has not been defined
002+ [31-Oct-2017 13:10:45] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
004+ Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to (Connection refused) in /opt/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/fcgi.inc on line 255
005+ IPv4 error
007+ Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to [::1]:9008 (Connection refused) in /opt/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/fcgi.inc on line 255
008+ IPv6 error
001- [%d-%s-%d %d:%d:%d] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid %d
002- [%d-%s-%d %d:%d:%d] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
003- int(%d)
004- IPv4 ok
005- int(%d)
006- IPv6 ok
007- %s "GET /ping" 200
008- ::1 %s "GET /ping" 200
010+ Warning: file_get_contents(/opt/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/php-fpm.acc.tmp): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in %s/007.php on line 44
1 (0%)
001+ [31-May-2019 16:29:57] ALERT: [pool unconfined] user has not been defined
002+ [31-May-2019 16:29:57] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
004+ Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to (Connection refused) in /server/tools/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/fcgi.inc on line 255
005+ IPv4 error
007+ Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to [::1]:9008 (Connection refused) in /server/tools/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/fcgi.inc on line 255
008+ IPv6 error
001- [%d-%s-%d %d:%d:%d] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid %d
002- [%d-%s-%d %d:%d:%d] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
003- int(%d)
004- IPv4 ok
005- int(%d)
006- IPv6 ok
007- %s "GET /ping" 200
008- ::1 %s "GET /ping" 200
009+ sh: line 0: kill: (40471) - No such process
011+ Warning: file_get_contents(/server/tools/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/php-fpm.acc.tmp): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in %s/007.php on line 44
1 (0%)
001+ [31-May-2019 09:51:54] ALERT: [pool unconfined] user has not been defined
002+ [31-May-2019 09:51:54] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
004+ Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to (Connection refused) in /usr/local/src/php5-build/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/fcgi.inc on line 255
005+ IPv4 error
007+ Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to [::1]:9008 (Connection refused) in /usr/local/src/php5-build/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/fcgi.inc on line 255
008+ IPv6 error
001- [%d-%s-%d %d:%d:%d] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid %d
002- [%d-%s-%d %d:%d:%d] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
003- int(%d)
004- IPv4 ok
005- int(%d)
006- IPv6 ok
007- %s "GET /ping" 200
008- ::1 %s "GET /ping" 200
010+ Warning: file_get_contents(/usr/local/src/php5-build/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/php-fpm.acc.tmp): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in %s/007.php on line 44
1 (0%)
001+ [31-May-2018 10:59:34] ALERT: [pool unconfined] user has not been defined
002+ [31-May-2018 10:59:34] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
004+ Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to (Connection refused) in /a/apps/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/fcgi.inc on line 255
005+ IPv4 error
007+ Warning: fsockopen(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Address family for hostname not supported in /a/apps/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/fcgi.inc on line 255
001- [%d-%s-%d %d:%d:%d] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid %d
002- [%d-%s-%d %d:%d:%d] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
003- int(%d)
004- IPv4 ok
005- int(%d)
006- IPv6 ok
007- %s "GET /ping" 200
008- ::1 %s "GET /ping" 200
009+ Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to [::1]:9008 (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Address family for hostname not supported) in /a/apps/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/fcgi.inc on line 255
010+ IPv6 error
012+ Warning: file_get_contents(/a/apps/php-5.6.30/sapi/fpm/tests/php-fpm.acc.tmp): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in %s/007.php on line 44