001+ ERROR: The NOTICE does not match expected message:
002+ - PATTERN: /^\[\d\d-\w\w\w-\d{4} \d\d:\d\d:\d\d\] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid \d+$/
003+ - MESSAGE: [17-Jun-2019 22:31:41] ALERT: [pool pool_ondemand] ondemand process manager can ONLY be used when events.mechanisme is either epoll (Linux) or kqueue (*BSD).
004+ - EXPECT: 'fpm is running, pid \d+'
005+ - ACTUAL: '2019 22:31:41] ALERT: [pool pool_ondemand] ondemand process manager can ONLY be used when events.mechanisme is either epoll (Linux) or kqueue (*BSD).'