Test: /tests/classes/ctor_in_interface_02.phpt - Version 5.4.0RC2    

There are 3 different diffs reported by users for this test.

Count Diff
111 (97%)
001+ Fatal error: Declaration of implem13::__construct() must be compatible with constr3::__construct($a) in %s/ctor_in_interface_02.php on line 24
001- Fatal error: Can't inherit abstract function constr3::__construct() (previously declared abstract in constr1) in %s on line %d
3 (3%)
001+ Fatal error: Declaration of implem13::__construct() must be compatible with constr3::__construct($a) in %s/ctor_in_interface_02.php on line 24
001- Fatal error: Can't inherit abstract function constr3::__construct() (previously declared abstract in constr1) in %s on line %d 004- Notice: dba_open(): %stest0.dbm: unexpected file type or format in %sdba_db4_003.php on line %d
005- 004- Notice: dba_popen(): %stest0.dbm: unexpected file type or format in %sdba_db4_007.php on line %d
005- 003+ string(1) """
005- string(1) """
1 (1%)
001+ Fatal error: Declaration of implem13::__construct() must be compatible with constr3::__construct($a) in %s/ctor_in_interface_02.php on line 24
001- Fatal error: Can't inherit abstract function constr3::__construct() (previously declared abstract in constr1) in %s on line %d 003+ string(1) """
005- string(1) """