Test: /ext/dom/tests/DOMDocument_load_variation1.phpt - Version 5.6.11    

There are 19 different diffs reported by users for this test.

Count Diff
2 (10%)
001+ Notice: DOMDocument::load(): failed to load external entity "books.dtd" in /root/桌面/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 2 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
003+ Warning: DOMDocument::load(): Entity 'entitest' not defined in /root/桌面/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 13 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
2 (10%)
001+ Notice: DOMDocument::load(): failed to load external entity "books.dtd" in /home/zlc/桌面/Lamp/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 2 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
003+ Warning: DOMDocument::load(): Entity 'entitest' not defined in /home/zlc/桌面/Lamp/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 13 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
1 (5%)
001+ Notice: DOMDocument::load(): failed to load external entity "books.dtd" in /root/ダウンロード/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 2 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
003+ Warning: DOMDocument::load(): Entity 'entitest' not defined in /root/ダウンロード/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 13 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
1 (5%)
001+ Notice: DOMDocument::load(): failed to load external entity "books.dtd" in /home/zhangpan/下载/php/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 2 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
003+ Warning: DOMDocument::load(): Entity 'entitest' not defined in /home/zhangpan/下载/php/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 13 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
1 (5%)
001+ Notice: DOMDocument::load(): failed to load external entity "books.dtd" in /home/xiangxiangmao/桌面/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 2 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
003+ Warning: DOMDocument::load(): Entity 'entitest' not defined in /home/xiangxiangmao/桌面/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 13 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
1 (5%)
001+ Notice: DOMDocument::load(): failed to load external entity "books.dtd" in /home/ubuntu/Загрузки/php-src-PHP-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 2 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
003+ Warning: DOMDocument::load(): Entity 'entitest' not defined in /home/ubuntu/Загрузки/php-src-PHP-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 13 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
1 (5%)
001+ Notice: DOMDocument::load(): failed to load external entity "books.dtd" in /home/shearf/下载/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 2 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
003+ Warning: DOMDocument::load(): Entity 'entitest' not defined in /home/shearf/下载/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 13 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
1 (5%)
001+ Notice: DOMDocument::load(): failed to load external entity "books.dtd" in /home/saithiril/Загрузки/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 2 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
003+ Warning: DOMDocument::load(): Entity 'entitest' not defined in /home/saithiril/Загрузки/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 13 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
1 (5%)
001+ Notice: DOMDocument::load(): failed to load external entity "books.dtd" in /home/risc/下载/lnmp环境/2php/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 2 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
003+ Warning: DOMDocument::load(): Entity 'entitest' not defined in /home/risc/下载/lnmp环境/2php/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 13 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
1 (5%)
001+ Notice: DOMDocument::load(): failed to load external entity "books.dtd" in /home/lh/下载/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 2 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
003+ Warning: DOMDocument::load(): Entity 'entitest' not defined in /home/lh/下载/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 13 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
1 (5%)
001+ Notice: DOMDocument::load(): failed to load external entity "books.dtd" in /home/kingflight/下载/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 2 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
003+ Warning: DOMDocument::load(): Entity 'entitest' not defined in /home/kingflight/下载/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 13 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
1 (5%)
001+ Notice: DOMDocument::load(): failed to load external entity "books.dtd" in /home/fmilin/Téléchargements/sources-php/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 2 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
003+ Warning: DOMDocument::load(): Entity 'entitest' not defined in /home/fmilin/Téléchargements/sources-php/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 13 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
1 (5%)
001+ Notice: DOMDocument::load(): failed to load external entity "books.dtd" in /home/evgeny/Загрузки/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 2 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
003+ Warning: DOMDocument::load(): Entity 'entitest' not defined in /home/evgeny/Загрузки/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 13 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
1 (5%)
001+ Notice: DOMDocument::load(): failed to load external entity "books.dtd" in /home/evenvi/下载/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 2 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
003+ Warning: DOMDocument::load(): Entity 'entitest' not defined in /home/evenvi/下载/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 13 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
1 (5%)
001+ Notice: DOMDocument::load(): failed to load external entity "books.dtd" in /home/den/Загрузки/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 2 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
003+ Warning: DOMDocument::load(): Entity 'entitest' not defined in /home/den/Загрузки/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 13 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
1 (5%)
001+ Notice: DOMDocument::load(): failed to load external entity "books.dtd" in /home/danale/下载/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 2 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
003+ Warning: DOMDocument::load(): Entity 'entitest' not defined in /home/danale/下载/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 13 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
1 (5%)
001+ Notice: DOMDocument::load(): failed to load external entity "books.dtd" in /home/clover/下载/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 2 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
003+ Warning: DOMDocument::load(): Entity 'entitest' not defined in /home/clover/下载/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 13 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
1 (5%)
001+ Notice: DOMDocument::load(): failed to load external entity "books.dtd" in /home/admin/桌面/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 2 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
003+ Warning: DOMDocument::load(): Entity 'entitest' not defined in /home/admin/桌面/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 13 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
1 (5%)
001+ Notice: DOMDocument::load(): failed to load external entity "books.dtd" in /home/Linwh/下载/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 2 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8
003+ Warning: DOMDocument::load(): Entity 'entitest' not defined in /home/Linwh/下载/php-5.6.11/ext/dom/tests/book_with_dtd.xml, line: 13 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation1.php on line 8