Test: /ext/standard/tests/array/array_combine_variation5.phpt - Version 5.7.0-dev    

There is 1 diff reported by users for this test.

Count Diff
2 (100%)
074+ Segmentation fault
074- array(3) {
075- ["Class A object"]=>
076- object(classA)#%d (0) {
077- }
078- [""]=>
079- NULL
080- ["Resource id #%d"]=>
081- resource(%d) of type (stream)
082- }
083- -- Iteration 11 --
084- array(8) {
085- ["hello"]=>
086- string(5) "hello"
087- ["Class A object"]=>
088- object(classA)#%d (0) {
089- }
090- ["fruit"]=>
091- string(5) "fruit"
092- ["Resource id #%d"]=>
093- resource(%d) of type (stream)
094- [133]=>
095- int(133)
096- ["444.432"]=>
097- float(444.432)
098- [""]=>
099- NULL
100- ["Hello world"]=>
101- string(11) "Hello world"
102- }
103- Done