Test: /ext/curl/tests/curl_basic_010.phpt - Version 7.0.6    

There are 2 different diffs reported by users for this test.

Count Diff
1 (50%)
001+ string(62) "Failed to connect to 240e:14:1003:3::1: Network is unreachable"
002+ int(7)
001- %unicode|string%(%d) "%r(Couldn't resolve proxy|Could not resolve proxy:|Could not resolve host:|Could not resolve:)%r %s"
002- int(5)
1 (50%)
001+ ** ERROR: process timed out **
001- %unicode|string%(%d) "%r(Couldn't resolve proxy|Could not resolve proxy:|Could not resolve host:|Could not resolve:)%r %s"
002- int(5)