Test: /ext/mbstring/tests/mb_ereg_variation5.phpt - Version 7.2.23    

There is 1 diff reported by users for this test.

Count Diff
1 (100%)
003+ ASCII String without $regs arg:
003- ASCII String without $regs arg: int(1)
004- ASCII String with $regs arg:
005- int(38)
006- array(1) {
007- [0]=>
008- string(52) "VGhpcyBpcyBhbiBFbmdsaXNoIHN0cmluZy4gMDEyMzQ1Njc4OS4="
009- }
011- Multibyte String without $regs arg: int(1)
012- Multubyte String with $regs arg:
013- int(53)
014- array(1) {
015- [0]=>
016- string(72) "5pel5pys6Kqe44OG44Kt44K544OI44Gn44GZ44CCMDEyMzTvvJXvvJbvvJfvvJjvvJnjgII="
017- }
018- Done