Test: /ext/phar/tests/bug81211.phpt - Version 7.2.34        

Security #81211 Symlinks are followed when creating PHAR archive
Submitted: 2021-06-30 12:59:18 Modified: 2021-08-26 20:59:07
From: trungpa Assigned: stas
Status: Closed Package: PHAR related
PHP Version: 8.1Git-2021-06-30 (Git) OS: MacOS, Linux

There is 1 diff reported by users for this test.

Count Diff
1 (100%)
001+ Iterator RecursiveIteratorIterator returned a path "/home/matimed/.cache/yay/php72/src/php-7.2.34/ext/phar/tests/bug81211/foobar/file" that is not in the base directory "/home/matimed/.cache/yay/php72/src/php-7.2.34/ext/phar/tests/bug81211/foo"
002+ Iterator RecursiveDirectoryIterator returned a path "/home/matimed/.cache/yay/php72/src/php-7.2.34/ext/phar/tests/bug81211/foobar/file" that is not in the base directory "/home/matimed/.cache/yay/php72/src/php-7.2.34/ext/phar/tests/bug81211/foo"
001- Iterator RecursiveIteratorIterator returned a path "%s%ebug81211\foobar\file" that is not in the base directory "%s%ebug81211\foo"
002- Iterator RecursiveDirectoryIterator returned a path "%s%ebug81211\foobar\file" that is not in the base directory "%s%ebug81211\foo"