Test: /tests/basic/029.phpt - Version 7.3.11    

There are 4 different diffs reported by users for this test.

Count Diff
3 (50%)
001+ Fatal error: The cgi-fcgi SAPI is not supported by pthreads in Unknown on line 0
003+ Fatal error: Unable to start pthreads module in Unknown on line 0
001- array(1) {
002- ["pics"]=>
003- array(5) {
004- ["name"]=>
005- string(9) "file1.txt"
006- ["type"]=>
007- string(10) "text/plain"
008- ["tmp_name"]=>
009- string(%d) "%s"
010- ["error"]=>
011- int(0)
012- ["size"]=>
013- int(6)
014- }
015- }
016- array(1) {
017- ["予蚕能"]=>
018- string(18) "ドレミファソ"
019- }
1 (17%)
001+ Sun Nov 24 22:18:57 2019 (1263): Fatal Error Unable to allocate shared memory segment of 134217728 bytes: unknown: Success (0)
001- array(1) {
002- ["pics"]=>
003- array(5) {
004- ["name"]=>
005- string(9) "file1.txt"
006- ["type"]=>
007- string(10) "text/plain"
008- ["tmp_name"]=>
009- string(%d) "%s"
010- ["error"]=>
011- int(0)
012- ["size"]=>
013- int(6)
014- }
015- }
016- array(1) {
017- ["予蚕能"]=>
018- string(18) "ドレミファソ"
019- }
1 (17%)
001+ Sat Oct 26 10:34:44 2019 (16923): Fatal Error Unable to allocate shared memory segment of 134217728 bytes: unknown: Inappropriate ioctl for device (25)
001- array(1) {
002- ["pics"]=>
003- array(5) {
004- ["name"]=>
005- string(9) "file1.txt"
006- ["type"]=>
007- string(10) "text/plain"
008- ["tmp_name"]=>
009- string(%d) "%s"
010- ["error"]=>
011- int(0)
012- ["size"]=>
013- int(6)
014- }
015- }
016- array(1) {
017- ["予蚕能"]=>
018- string(18) "ドレミファソ"
019- }
1 (17%)
001+ /home/linkpi/work/php-7.3.11/sapi/cgi/php-cgi: 1: /home/linkpi/work/php-7.3.11/sapi/cgi/php-cgi: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
001- array(1) {
002- ["pics"]=>
003- array(5) {
004- ["name"]=>
005- string(9) "file1.txt"
006- ["type"]=>
007- string(10) "text/plain"
008- ["tmp_name"]=>
009- string(%d) "%s"
010- ["error"]=>
011- int(0)
012- ["size"]=>
013- int(6)
014- }
015- }
016- array(1) {
017- ["予蚕能"]=>
018- string(18) "ドレミファソ"
019- }