Test: /sapi/phpdbg/tests/bug73794.phpt - Version 7.3.6        

Bug #73794 Crash (out of memory) when using run and # command separator
Submitted: 2016-12-20 13:37:25 Modified: 2016-12-20 19:15:30
From: kaplan Assigned: bwoebi
Status: Closed Package: phpdbg
PHP Version: 7.1.0 OS: Linux

There are 3 different diffs reported by users for this test.

Count Diff
2 (50%)
001+ Zend OPcache requires Zend Engine API version 320180731.
002+ The Zend Engine API version 420190128 which is installed, is newer.
003+ Contact Zend Technologies at http://www.zend.com/ for a later version of Zend OPcache.
1 (25%)
001+ Termsig=11
001- [Successful compilation of %s]
002- prompt> echo
1 (25%)
001+ Segmentation fault (core dumped)
001- [Successful compilation of %s]
002- prompt> echo
003+ Termsig=11