Test: /ext/standard/tests/strings/setlocale_basic3.phpt - Version 7.4.12    

There are 3 different diffs reported by users for this test.

Count Diff
541 (99%)
002+ sh: locale: not found 002- -- Testing setlocale() by giving 'category' as LC_ALL & multiple locales(en_US.utf8, Ko_KR.utf8, zh_CN.utf8) -- 003- string(%d) "%s" 004- Checking currency settings in the new locale, expected: %s, Found: %s 005- Test PASSED.
2 (0%)
002+ locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory 003+ locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory 004+ locale: Cannot set LC_COLLATE to default locale: No such file or directory
1 (0%)
002- -- Testing setlocale() by giving 'category' as LC_ALL & multiple locales(en_US.utf8, Ko_KR.utf8, zh_CN.utf8) -- 003- string(%d) "%s" 004- Checking currency settings in the new locale, expected: %s, Found: %s 005- Test PASSED.