Test: /ext/mysqli/tests/mysqli_query_unicode.phpt - Version 5.3.12    

There are 2 different diffs reported by users for this test.

Count Diff
1 (50%)
005+ [009] [1558] Column count of mysql.proc is wrong. Expected 20, found 16. Created with MySQL 50051, now running 50142. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.
006+ [010] [1558] Column count of mysql.proc is wrong. Expected 20, found 16. Created with MySQL 50051, now running 50142. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.
1 (50%)
005+ [009] [1547] Column count of mysql.proc is wrong. Expected 20, found 16. The table is probably corrupted
006+ [010] [1547] Column count of mysql.proc is wrong. Expected 20, found 16. The table is probably corrupted