Test: /ext/oci8/tests/bug47189.phpt - Version 5.3.12        

Documentation Problem #47189 oci_fetch_all() returns empty arrays on subsequent call on a given statement
Submitted: 2009-01-22 07:46:57 Modified: 2009-11-20 10:45:13
From: pcdinh Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Documentation problem
PHP Version: 5.3.0alpha3 OS: Windows XP SP2

There is 1 diff reported by users for this test.

Count Diff
1 (100%)
001+ Fatal error: connect.inc: Failed to connect as 'system' to 'localhost/XE': ORA-12541: TNS:no listener in /home/packages/packages/php-5.3.12/ext/oci8/tests/connect.inc on line 14
001- Test 1
002- array(1) {
003- [0]=>
004- array(1) {
005- ["DUMMY"]=>
006- string(1) "X"
007- }
008- }
009- array(0) {
010- }
011- Test 2
012- array(1) {
013- [0]=>
014- array(1) {
015- ["DUMMY"]=>
016- string(1) "X"
017- }
018- }
020- Warning: oci_fetch_all(): ORA-01002: %s in %s on line %d
021- array(0) {
022- }
023- ===DONE===