Test: /ext/phar/tests/cache_list/frontcontroller19.phpt - Version 5.3.9RC4    

There is 1 diff reported by users for this test.

Count Diff
7 (100%)
001+ 7[0x0]??
001- Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PharException' with message 'Too many values passed to Phar::mungServer(), expecting an array of any of these strings: PHP_SELF, REQUEST_URI, SCRIPT_FILENAME, SCRIPT_NAME' in %sfrontcontroller19.php:2
002- Stack trace:
003- #0 %sfrontcontroller19.php(2): Phar::mungServer(Array)
004- #1 {main}
005- thrown in %sfrontcontroller19.php on line 2