Test: /ext/phar/tests/frontcontroller29.phpt - Version 5.3.12    

There are 2 different diffs reported by users for this test.

Count Diff
1 (50%)
001+ [0x0][0x0]?�?
001- Fatal error: Call to undefined function oopsie_daisy() in phar://%sfatalerror.phps on line 1
1 (50%)
001- Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
003+ /home/sicom/src/php-5.3.12/sapi/cgi/php-cgi: symbol lookup error: /home/sicom/src/php-5.3.12/modules/mbstring.so: undefined symbol: zend_multibyte_set_internal_encoding
003- Fatal error: Call to undefined function oopsie_daisy() in phar://%sfatalerror.phps on line 1