Test: /ext/phar/tests/tar/tar_gzip.phpt - Version 5.3.12    

There is 1 diff reported by users for this test.

Count Diff
1 (100%)
001+ Warning: include(): unable to create or locate filter "zlib.inflate" in %s/tar_gzip.php on line 21
002+ �[0x0][0x0][0x0][0x0][0x0][0x0]�J�0�s�S�9�^6�6��
003+ ����������ۛ*ֵ�Eش��.M�@���S�Ql�]C\�!���ߞ��1�01�݄I �Et@ךB����o�M��Q�έ��h����*�/��/�|�-�gTm����ݩJ����oL���#�G������^��`�H<K0��T����_��nF�? ��U@��s�;�}��#r�ρm� �Z�ݸ��?���[0x0]|����?��$H�}���: ���*O�^��V�mՕh�5)c6�>2�%e�c���o)<���[0x0][0x0]��[0x0].��T[0x0][0x0][0x0]
004+ Warning: Phar::__construct(): unable to create or locate filter "zlib.inflate" in %s/tar_gzip.php on line 23
001- string(9) "it worked"
002- string(%d) "phar://%star_gzip.phar/tar_004.php"
003- bool(true)
004- bool(true)
005- ===DONE===
006+ Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'UnexpectedValueException' with message 'unable to decompress gzipped phar archive "/usr/local/php-5.3.12/ext/phar/tests/tar/tar_gzip.phar", ext/zlib is buggy in PHP versions older than 5.2.6' in %s/tar_gzip.php:23
007+ Stack trace:
008+ #0 %s/tar_gzip.php(23): Phar->__construct('/usr/local/php-...')
009+ #1 {main}
010+ thrown in %s/tar_gzip.php on line 23