Test: /ext/json/tests/fail001.phpt - Version 5.5.2    

There is 1 diff reported by users for this test.

Count Diff
1 (100%)
033+ array(1) {
034+ [0]=>
035+ string(21) "Comma after the close"
036+ }
033- NULL
035- NULL
038+ array(1) {
039+ [0]=>
040+ string(21) "Comma after the close"
041+ }
038- NULL
040- NULL
044+ array(1) {
045+ [0]=>
046+ string(11) "Extra close"
047+ }
048- NULL
049+ array(1) {
050+ [0]=>
051+ string(11) "Extra close"
052+ }
050- NULL
060+ object(stdClass)#1 (1) {
061+ ["Extra value after close"]=>
062+ bool(true)
063+ }
063- NULL
065+ array(1) {
066+ ["Extra value after close"]=>
067+ bool(true)
068+ }
065- NULL
081+ object(stdClass)#1 (1) {
082+ ["Numbers cannot have leading zeroes"]=>
083+ int(13)
084+ }
086+ array(1) {
087+ ["Numbers cannot have leading zeroes"]=>
088+ int(13)
089+ }
118- NULL
120- NULL
142+ array(1) {
143+ [0]=>
144+ string(12) "single quote"
145+ }
147+ array(1) {
148+ [0]=>
149+ string(12) "single quote"
150+ }