Test: /ext/dom/tests/DOMDocument_load_variation2.phpt - Version 5.5.32    

There are 3 different diffs reported by users for this test.

Count Diff
3 (60%)
001+ Warning: DOMDocument::load(): failed to load external entity "books.dtd" in /home/nurtek/Загрузки/php/php-5.5.32/ext/dom/tests/wrong_book_with_dtd.xml, line: 2 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation2.php on line 8
001- Warning: DOMDocument::load%r(XML){0,1}%r(): Element book content does not follow the DTD, expecting (title , author), got (title author author ) %s
1 (20%)
001+ Warning: DOMDocument::load(): failed to load external entity "books.dtd" in /home/ppd/Загрузки/php-5.5.32/ext/dom/tests/wrong_book_with_dtd.xml, line: 2 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation2.php on line 8
001- Warning: DOMDocument::load%r(XML){0,1}%r(): Element book content does not follow the DTD, expecting (title , author), got (title author author ) %s
1 (20%)
001+ Warning: DOMDocument::load(): failed to load external entity "books.dtd" in /home/lm173/Stažené/php-5.5.32/ext/dom/tests/wrong_book_with_dtd.xml, line: 2 in %s/DOMDocument_load_variation2.php on line 8
001- Warning: DOMDocument::load%r(XML){0,1}%r(): Element book content does not follow the DTD, expecting (title , author), got (title author author ) %s