Test: /ext/standard/tests/strings/setlocale_variation2.phpt - Version 5.6.2    

There are 13 different diffs reported by users for this test.

Count Diff
251 (85%)
006+ Test FAILED
007+ Names of locale() for which setlocale() failed ...
008+ array(1) {
009+ [0]=>
010+ string(16) "no_NO.ISO-8859-1"
011+ }
006- Test PASSED
18 (6%)
006+ Test FAILED
007+ Names of locale() for which setlocale() failed ...
008+ array(1) {
009+ [0]=>
010+ string(14) "hy_AM.armscii8"
011+ }
006- Test PASSED
5 (2%)
006+ Test FAILED
007+ Names of locale() for which setlocale() failed ...
008+ array(1) {
009+ [0]=>
010+ string(10) "de_CH.utf8"
011+ }
006- Test PASSED
5 (2%)
002+ locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
003+ locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory
004+ locale: Cannot set LC_COLLATE to default locale: No such file or directory
006- Test PASSED
009+ Test FAILED
010+ Names of locale() for which setlocale() failed ...
011+ array(1) {
012+ [0]=>
013+ string(0) ""
014+ }
4 (1%)
006+ Test FAILED
007+ Names of locale() for which setlocale() failed ...
008+ array(1) {
009+ [0]=>
010+ string(0) ""
011+ }
006- Test PASSED
4 (1%)
006+ Test FAILED
007+ Names of locale() for which setlocale() failed ...
006- Test PASSED
007- Done
008+ array(6) {
009+ [0]=>
010+ string(15) "la_LN.ISO8859-1"
011+ [1]=>
012+ string(16) "la_LN.ISO8859-13"
013+ [2]=>
014+ string(16) "la_LN.ISO8859-15"
015+ [3]=>
016+ string(15) "la_LN.ISO8859-2"
017+ [4]=>
018+ string(15) "la_LN.ISO8859-4"
019+ [5]=>
020+ string(14) "la_LN.US-ASCII"
021+ }
022+ Done
2 (1%)
006+ Test FAILED
007+ Names of locale() for which setlocale() failed ...
008+ array(2) {
009+ [0]=>
010+ string(14) "hy_AM.armscii8"
011+ [1]=>
012+ string(19) "ja_JP.shiftjisx0213"
013+ }
006- Test PASSED
2 (1%)
002+ locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
006- Test PASSED
007+ Test FAILED
008+ Names of locale() for which setlocale() failed ...
009+ array(1) {
010+ [0]=>
011+ string(0) ""
012+ }
1 (0%)
006+ Test FAILED
007+ Names of locale() for which setlocale() failed ...
008+ array(1) {
009+ [0]=>
010+ string(10) "es_CU.utf8"
011+ }
006- Test PASSED
1 (0%)
006+ Test FAILED
007+ Names of locale() for which setlocale() failed ...
006- Test PASSED
007- Done
008+ array(6) {
009+ [0]=>
010+ string(10) "en_US.utf8"
011+ [1]=>
012+ string(5) "zh_CN"
013+ [2]=>
014+ string(13) "zh_CN.gb18030"
015+ [3]=>
016+ string(12) "zh_CN.gb2312"
017+ [4]=>
018+ string(9) "zh_CN.gbk"
019+ [5]=>
020+ string(10) "zh_CN.utf8"
021+ }
022+ Done
1 (0%)
006+ Test FAILED
007+ Names of locale() for which setlocale() failed ...
006- Test PASSED
007- Done
008+ array(256) {
009+ [0]=>
010+ string(10) "es_AR.utf8"
011+ [1]=>
012+ string(5) "es_BO"
013+ [2]=>
014+ string(10) "es_BO.utf8"
015+ [3]=>
016+ string(5) "es_CL"
017+ [4]=>
018+ string(10) "es_CL.utf8"
019+ [5]=>
020+ string(5) "es_CO"
021+ [6]=>
022+ string(10) "es_CO.utf8"
023+ [7]=>
024+ string(5) "es_CR"
025+ [8]=>
026+ string(10) "es_CR.utf8"
027+ [9]=>
028+ string(5) "es_DO"
029+ [10]=>
030+ string(10) "es_DO.utf8"
031+ [11]=>
032+ string(5) "es_EC"
033+ [12]=>
034+ string(10) "es_EC.utf8"
035+ [13]=>
036+ string(5) "es_ES"
037+ [14]=>
038+ string(10) "es_ES@euro"
039+ [15]=>
040+ string(10) "es_ES.utf8"
041+ [16]=>
042+ string(5) "es_GT"
043+ [17]=>
044+ string(10) "es_GT.utf8"
045+ [18]=>
046+ string(5) "es_HN"
047+ [19]=>
048+ string(10) "es_HN.utf8"
049+ [20]=>
050+ string(5) "es_MX"
051+ [21]=>
052+ string(10) "es_MX.utf8"
053+ [22]=>
054+ string(5) "es_NI"
055+ [23]=>
056+ string(10) "es_NI.utf8"
057+ [24]=>
058+ string(5) "es_PA"
059+ [25]=>
060+ string(10) "es_PA.utf8"
061+ [26]=>
062+ string(5) "es_PE"
063+ [27]=>
064+ string(10) "es_PE.utf8"
065+ [28]=>
066+ string(5) "es_PR"
067+ [29]=>
068+ string(10) "es_PR.utf8"
069+ [30]=>
070+ string(5) "es_PY"
071+ [31]=>
072+ string(10) "es_PY.utf8"
073+ [32]=>
074+ string(5) "es_SV"
075+ [33]=>
076+ string(10) "es_SV.utf8"
077+ [34]=>
078+ string(5) "es_US"
079+ [35]=>
080+ string(10) "es_US.utf8"
081+ [36]=>
082+ string(5) "es_UY"
083+ [37]=>
084+ string(10) "es_UY.utf8"
085+ [38]=>
086+ string(5) "es_VE"
087+ [39]=>
088+ string(10) "es_VE.utf8"
089+ [40]=>
090+ string(5) "et_EE"
091+ [41]=>
092+ string(15) "et_EE.iso885915"
093+ [42]=>
094+ string(10) "et_EE.utf8"
095+ [43]=>
096+ string(5) "eu_ES"
097+ [44]=>
098+ string(10) "eu_ES@euro"
099+ [45]=>
100+ string(10) "eu_ES.utf8"
101+ [46]=>
102+ string(5) "fa_IR"
103+ [47]=>
104+ string(5) "fi_FI"
105+ [48]=>
106+ string(10) "fi_FI@euro"
107+ [49]=>
108+ string(10) "fi_FI.utf8"
109+ [50]=>
110+ string(5) "fo_FO"
111+ [51]=>
112+ string(10) "fo_FO.utf8"
113+ [52]=>
114+ string(5) "fr_BE"
115+ [53]=>
116+ string(10) "fr_BE@euro"
117+ [54]=>
118+ string(10) "fr_BE.utf8"
119+ [55]=>
120+ string(5) "fr_CA"
121+ [56]=>
122+ string(10) "fr_CA.utf8"
123+ [57]=>
124+ string(5) "fr_CH"
125+ [58]=>
126+ string(10) "fr_CH.utf8"
127+ [59]=>
128+ string(5) "fr_FR"
129+ [60]=>
130+ string(10) "fr_FR@euro"
131+ [61]=>
132+ string(10) "fr_FR.utf8"
133+ [62]=>
134+ string(5) "fr_LU"
135+ [63]=>
136+ string(10) "fr_LU@euro"
137+ [64]=>
138+ string(10) "fr_LU.utf8"
139+ [65]=>
140+ string(5) "fy_NL"
141+ [66]=>
142+ string(5) "ga_IE"
143+ [67]=>
144+ string(10) "ga_IE@euro"
145+ [68]=>
146+ string(10) "ga_IE.utf8"
147+ [69]=>
148+ string(5) "gd_GB"
149+ [70]=>
150+ string(10) "gd_GB.utf8"
151+ [71]=>
152+ string(6) "gez_ER"
153+ [72]=>
154+ string(14) "gez_ER@abegede"
155+ [73]=>
156+ string(6) "gez_ET"
157+ [74]=>
158+ string(14) "gez_ET@abegede"
159+ [75]=>
160+ string(5) "gl_ES"
161+ [76]=>
162+ string(10) "gl_ES@euro"
163+ [77]=>
164+ string(10) "gl_ES.utf8"
165+ [78]=>
166+ string(5) "gu_IN"
167+ [79]=>
168+ string(5) "gv_GB"
169+ [80]=>
170+ string(10) "gv_GB.utf8"
171+ [81]=>
172+ string(5) "he_IL"
173+ [82]=>
174+ string(10) "he_IL.utf8"
175+ [83]=>
176+ string(5) "hi_IN"
177+ [84]=>
178+ string(5) "hr_HR"
179+ [85]=>
180+ string(10) "hr_HR.utf8"
181+ [86]=>
182+ string(6) "hsb_DE"
183+ [87]=>
184+ string(11) "hsb_DE.utf8"
185+ [88]=>
186+ string(5) "hu_HU"
187+ [89]=>
188+ string(10) "hu_HU.utf8"
189+ [90]=>
190+ string(5) "hy_AM"
191+ [91]=>
192+ string(14) "hy_AM.armscii8"
193+ [92]=>
194+ string(5) "id_ID"
195+ [93]=>
196+ string(10) "id_ID.utf8"
197+ [94]=>
198+ string(5) "is_IS"
199+ [95]=>
200+ string(10) "is_IS.utf8"
201+ [96]=>
202+ string(5) "it_CH"
203+ [97]=>
204+ string(10) "it_CH.utf8"
205+ [98]=>
206+ string(5) "it_IT"
207+ [99]=>
208+ string(10) "it_IT@euro"
209+ [100]=>
210+ string(10) "it_IT.utf8"
211+ [101]=>
212+ string(5) "iw_IL"
213+ [102]=>
214+ string(10) "iw_IL.utf8"
215+ [103]=>
216+ string(11) "ja_JP.eucjp"
217+ [104]=>
218+ string(10) "ja_JP.utf8"
219+ [105]=>
220+ string(5) "ka_GE"
221+ [106]=>
222+ string(10) "ka_GE.utf8"
223+ [107]=>
224+ string(5) "kk_KZ"
225+ [108]=>
226+ string(10) "kk_KZ.utf8"
227+ [109]=>
228+ string(5) "kl_GL"
229+ [110]=>
230+ string(10) "kl_GL.utf8"
231+ [111]=>
232+ string(5) "km_KH"
233+ [112]=>
234+ string(5) "kn_IN"
235+ [113]=>
236+ string(11) "ko_KR.euckr"
237+ [114]=>
238+ string(10) "ko_KR.utf8"
239+ [115]=>
240+ string(5) "ku_TR"
241+ [116]=>
242+ string(10) "ku_TR.utf8"
243+ [117]=>
244+ string(5) "kw_GB"
245+ [118]=>
246+ string(10) "kw_GB.utf8"
247+ [119]=>
248+ string(5) "ky_KG"
249+ [120]=>
250+ string(5) "lg_UG"
251+ [121]=>
252+ string(10) "lg_UG.utf8"
253+ [122]=>
254+ string(5) "lo_LA"
255+ [123]=>
256+ string(5) "lt_LT"
257+ [124]=>
258+ string(10) "lt_LT.utf8"
259+ [125]=>
260+ string(5) "lv_LV"
261+ [126]=>
262+ string(10) "lv_LV.utf8"
263+ [127]=>
264+ string(6) "mai_IN"
265+ [128]=>
266+ string(5) "mg_MG"
267+ [129]=>
268+ string(10) "mg_MG.utf8"
269+ [130]=>
270+ string(5) "mi_NZ"
271+ [131]=>
272+ string(10) "mi_NZ.utf8"
273+ [132]=>
274+ string(5) "mk_MK"
275+ [133]=>
276+ string(10) "mk_MK.utf8"
277+ [134]=>
278+ string(5) "ml_IN"
279+ [135]=>
280+ string(5) "mn_MN"
281+ [136]=>
282+ string(5) "mr_IN"
283+ [137]=>
284+ string(5) "ms_MY"
285+ [138]=>
286+ string(10) "ms_MY.utf8"
287+ [139]=>
288+ string(5) "mt_MT"
289+ [140]=>
290+ string(10) "mt_MT.utf8"
291+ [141]=>
292+ string(5) "nb_NO"
293+ [142]=>
294+ string(10) "nb_NO.utf8"
295+ [143]=>
296+ string(5) "ne_NP"
297+ [144]=>
298+ string(5) "nl_BE"
299+ [145]=>
300+ string(10) "nl_BE@euro"
301+ [146]=>
302+ string(10) "nl_BE.utf8"
303+ [147]=>
304+ string(5) "nl_NL"
305+ [148]=>
306+ string(10) "nl_NL@euro"
307+ [149]=>
308+ string(10) "nl_NL.utf8"
309+ [150]=>
310+ string(5) "nn_NO"
311+ [151]=>
312+ string(10) "nn_NO.utf8"
313+ [152]=>
314+ string(5) "no_NO"
315+ [153]=>
316+ string(10) "no_NO.utf8"
317+ [154]=>
318+ string(5) "nr_ZA"
319+ [155]=>
320+ string(6) "nso_ZA"
321+ [156]=>
322+ string(5) "oc_FR"
323+ [157]=>
324+ string(10) "oc_FR.utf8"
325+ [158]=>
326+ string(5) "om_ET"
327+ [159]=>
328+ string(5) "om_KE"
329+ [160]=>
330+ string(10) "om_KE.utf8"
331+ [161]=>
332+ string(5) "or_IN"
333+ [162]=>
334+ string(5) "pa_IN"
335+ [163]=>
336+ string(5) "pa_PK"
337+ [164]=>
338+ string(5) "pl_PL"
339+ [165]=>
340+ string(10) "pl_PL.utf8"
341+ [166]=>
342+ string(5) "pt_BR"
343+ [167]=>
344+ string(10) "pt_BR.utf8"
345+ [168]=>
346+ string(5) "pt_PT"
347+ [169]=>
348+ string(10) "pt_PT@euro"
349+ [170]=>
350+ string(10) "pt_PT.utf8"
351+ [171]=>
352+ string(5) "ro_RO"
353+ [172]=>
354+ string(10) "ro_RO.utf8"
355+ [173]=>
356+ string(5) "ru_RU"
357+ [174]=>
358+ string(11) "ru_RU.koi8r"
359+ [175]=>
360+ string(10) "ru_RU.utf8"
361+ [176]=>
362+ string(5) "ru_UA"
363+ [177]=>
364+ string(10) "ru_UA.utf8"
365+ [178]=>
366+ string(5) "rw_RW"
367+ [179]=>
368+ string(5) "se_NO"
369+ [180]=>
370+ string(6) "sid_ET"
371+ [181]=>
372+ string(5) "si_LK"
373+ [182]=>
374+ string(5) "sk_SK"
375+ [183]=>
376+ string(10) "sk_SK.utf8"
377+ [184]=>
378+ string(5) "sl_SI"
379+ [185]=>
380+ string(10) "sl_SI.utf8"
381+ [186]=>
382+ string(5) "so_DJ"
383+ [187]=>
384+ string(10) "so_DJ.utf8"
385+ [188]=>
386+ string(5) "so_ET"
387+ [189]=>
388+ string(5) "so_KE"
389+ [190]=>
390+ string(10) "so_KE.utf8"
391+ [191]=>
392+ string(5) "so_SO"
393+ [192]=>
394+ string(10) "so_SO.utf8"
395+ [193]=>
396+ string(5) "sq_AL"
397+ [194]=>
398+ string(10) "sq_AL.utf8"
399+ [195]=>
400+ string(5) "sr_CS"
401+ [196]=>
402+ string(10) "sr_CS.utf8"
403+ [197]=>
404+ string(5) "sr_ME"
405+ [198]=>
406+ string(5) "sr_RS"
407+ [199]=>
408+ string(11) "sr_RS@latin"
409+ [200]=>
410+ string(5) "ss_ZA"
411+ [201]=>
412+ string(5) "st_ZA"
413+ [202]=>
414+ string(10) "st_ZA.utf8"
415+ [203]=>
416+ string(5) "sv_FI"
417+ [204]=>
418+ string(10) "sv_FI@euro"
419+ [205]=>
420+ string(10) "sv_FI.utf8"
421+ [206]=>
422+ string(5) "sv_SE"
423+ [207]=>
424+ string(15) "sv_SE.iso885915"
425+ [208]=>
426+ string(10) "sv_SE.utf8"
427+ [209]=>
428+ string(5) "ta_IN"
429+ [210]=>
430+ string(5) "te_IN"
431+ [211]=>
432+ string(5) "tg_TJ"
433+ [212]=>
434+ string(10) "tg_TJ.utf8"
435+ [213]=>
436+ string(5) "th_TH"
437+ [214]=>
438+ string(10) "th_TH.utf8"
439+ [215]=>
440+ string(5) "ti_ER"
441+ [216]=>
442+ string(5) "ti_ET"
443+ [217]=>
444+ string(6) "tig_ER"
445+ [218]=>
446+ string(5) "tl_PH"
447+ [219]=>
448+ string(10) "tl_PH.utf8"
449+ [220]=>
450+ string(5) "tn_ZA"
451+ [221]=>
452+ string(5) "tr_CY"
453+ [222]=>
454+ string(10) "tr_CY.utf8"
455+ [223]=>
456+ string(5) "tr_TR"
457+ [224]=>
458+ string(10) "tr_TR.utf8"
459+ [225]=>
460+ string(5) "ts_ZA"
461+ [226]=>
462+ string(10) "tt_RU.utf8"
463+ [227]=>
464+ string(5) "uk_UA"
465+ [228]=>
466+ string(10) "uk_UA.utf8"
467+ [229]=>
468+ string(5) "ur_PK"
469+ [230]=>
470+ string(5) "uz_UZ"
471+ [231]=>
472+ string(14) "uz_UZ@cyrillic"
473+ [232]=>
474+ string(5) "ve_ZA"
475+ [233]=>
476+ string(5) "vi_VN"
477+ [234]=>
478+ string(10) "vi_VN.tcvn"
479+ [235]=>
480+ string(5) "wa_BE"
481+ [236]=>
482+ string(10) "wa_BE@euro"
483+ [237]=>
484+ string(10) "wa_BE.utf8"
485+ [238]=>
486+ string(5) "xh_ZA"
487+ [239]=>
488+ string(10) "xh_ZA.utf8"
489+ [240]=>
490+ string(5) "yi_US"
491+ [241]=>
492+ string(10) "yi_US.utf8"
493+ [242]=>
494+ string(5) "zh_CN"
495+ [243]=>
496+ string(13) "zh_CN.gb18030"
497+ [244]=>
498+ string(9) "zh_CN.gbk"
499+ [245]=>
500+ string(10) "zh_CN.utf8"
501+ [246]=>
502+ string(5) "zh_HK"
503+ [247]=>
504+ string(10) "zh_HK.utf8"
505+ [248]=>
506+ string(5) "zh_SG"
507+ [249]=>
508+ string(9) "zh_SG.gbk"
509+ [250]=>
510+ string(10) "zh_SG.utf8"
511+ [251]=>
512+ string(5) "zh_TW"
513+ [252]=>
514+ string(11) "zh_TW.euctw"
515+ [253]=>
516+ string(10) "zh_TW.utf8"
517+ [254]=>
518+ string(5) "zu_ZA"
519+ [255]=>
520+ string(10) "zu_ZA.utf8"
521+ }
522+ Done
1 (0%)
002+ locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
003+ locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory
004+ locale: Cannot set LC_COLLATE to default locale: No such file or directory
006- Test PASSED
009+ Test FAILED
010+ Names of locale() for which setlocale() failed ...
011+ array(2) {
012+ [0]=>
013+ string(16) "no_NO.ISO-8859-1"
014+ [1]=>
015+ string(0) ""
016+ }
1 (0%)