Test: /ext/mysqli/tests/mysqli_fetch_field_flags.phpt - Version 5.6.37    

There are 7 different diffs reported by users for this test.

Count Diff
4 (40%)
001+ [007] The flags 'ZEROFILL' have not been reported for TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, found 'ON_UPDATE_NOW TIMESTAMP BINARY UNSIGNED NOT_NULL '
001- done!
002+ string(50) "CREATE TABLE test(id INT, col1 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL)"
003+ int(50560)
1 (10%)
001+ [007] The flags 'ZEROFILL' have not been reported for TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, found 'ON_UPDATE_NOW TIMESTAMP BINARY UNSIGNED NOT_NULL '
001- done!
002+ string(50) "CREATE TABLE test(id INT, col1 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL)"
003+ int(50568)
1 (10%)
001+ [007] The flags 'ZEROFILL' have not been reported for TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, found 'ON_UPDATE_NOW TIMESTAMP BINARY UNSIGNED NOT_NULL '
001- done!
002+ string(50) "CREATE TABLE test(id INT, col1 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL)"
003+ int(50564)
1 (10%)
001+ [007] The flags 'ZEROFILL' have not been reported for TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, found 'ON_UPDATE_NOW TIMESTAMP BINARY UNSIGNED NOT_NULL '
001- done!
002+ string(50) "CREATE TABLE test(id INT, col1 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL)"
003+ int(50556)
1 (10%)
001+ [007] The flags 'ZEROFILL' have not been reported for TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, found 'ON_UPDATE_NOW TIMESTAMP BINARY UNSIGNED NOT_NULL '
001- done!
002+ string(50) "CREATE TABLE test(id INT, col1 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL)"
003+ int(50544)
1 (10%)
001+ Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50645 Library:50560 in /usr/local/src/php-5.6.37/ext/mysqli/tests/connect.inc on line 96
1 (10%)
001+ ** ERROR: process timed out **
001- done!