Test: /ext/opcache/tests/bug70237.phpt - Version 7.1.2RC1        

Bug #70237 Empty while and do-while segmentation fault with opcode on CLI enabled
Submitted: 2015-08-11 08:43:06 Modified:
From: notrix Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: opcache
PHP Version: 5.5.28 OS: Ubuntu 14.04

There are 2 different diffs reported by users for this test.

Count Diff
1 (50%)
001+ Tue Feb 28 16:33:54 2017 (43677): Fatal Error Zend OPcache cannot allocate buffer for interned strings
001- okey
1 (50%)
001+ Tue Feb 28 16:16:41 2017 (10136): Fatal Error Zend OPcache cannot allocate buffer for interned strings
001- okey