Test: /Zend/tests/type_declarations/scalar_basic.phpt - Version 7.1.32    

There is 1 diff reported by users for this test.

Count Diff
1 (100%)
028+ *** Trying float(0)
029+ int(0)
028- *** Trying float(NAN)
029- *** Caught Argument 1 passed to {closure}() must be of the type integer, float given, called in %s on line %d
082+ *** Trying float(0)
083+ float(0)
082- *** Trying float(NAN)
083- float(NAN)
135+ *** Trying float(0)
136+ string(1) "0"
135- *** Trying float(NAN)
136- string(3) "NAN"
188+ *** Trying float(0)
189+ bool(false)
188- *** Trying float(NAN)
189- bool(true)