Test: /tests/basic/timeout_variation_10.phpt - Version 7.4.0    

There are 13 different diffs reported by users for this test.

Count Diff
1 (8%)
003+ time spent waiting: 5.0192279815674
003- Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 3 seconds exceeded in %s on line %d
1 (8%)
003+ time spent waiting: 5.008260011673
003- Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 3 seconds exceeded in %s on line %d
1 (8%)
003+ time spent waiting: 5.0058650970459
003- Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 3 seconds exceeded in %s on line %d
1 (8%)
003+ time spent waiting: 5.004921913147
003- Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 3 seconds exceeded in %s on line %d
1 (8%)
003+ time spent waiting: 5.0029919147491
003- Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 3 seconds exceeded in %s on line %d
1 (8%)
003+ time spent waiting: 5.0028848648071
003- Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 3 seconds exceeded in %s on line %d
1 (8%)
003+ time spent waiting: 5.0026731491089
003- Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 3 seconds exceeded in %s on line %d
1 (8%)
003+ time spent waiting: 5.0023560523987
003- Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 3 seconds exceeded in %s on line %d
1 (8%)
003+ time spent waiting: 5.0017528533936
003- Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 3 seconds exceeded in %s on line %d
1 (8%)
003+ time spent waiting: 5.0016191005707
003- Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 3 seconds exceeded in %s on line %d
1 (8%)
003+ time spent waiting: 5.0015559196472
003- Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 3 seconds exceeded in %s on line %d
1 (8%)
003+ time spent waiting: 5.0009379386902
003- Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 3 seconds exceeded in %s on line %d
1 (8%)
003+ time spent waiting: 5.0007519721985
003- Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 3 seconds exceeded in %s on line %d